Detroit – Portland 111:91 (koniec) | Indiana – Washington 102:111 (koniec) | Miami – Orlando 109:111 (koniec)
New Orleans – Utah 109:133 (koniec) | Denver – Charlotte 121:104 (koniec) | Sacramento – Chicago 104:98 (koniec)
LA Clippers – Dallas 104:101 (koniec)
Detroit Pistons
111:91 (22:20, 49:43, 79:67)
Portland Trail Blazers
Wtorek 06.02.2018, 01:00 • The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit • National Basketball Association

    Komentarze niedostępne.
    Detroit Pistons:
    Portland Trail Blazers:
    KWarty: 22:20, 27:23, 30:24, 32:24